The registration office of the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases (NCvB) registers reports of occupational diseases. In the National Registry of Occupational Diseases reports from occupational physicians are registered.
Three surveillances register the reports of occupational skin diseases by dermatologists (ADS-project), occupational lung diseases by lung specialist (PAL-project) and cases of CTE by the two Solvent Teams operating in the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Enschede).
Main purpose of these registrations is the improvement of knowledge and insight into the occurrence and the prevention of occupational diseases. Each year the results from the registration are published in the Alert Report on Occupational Diseases (in Dutch) commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
In addition to the report overview tables are presented on this website, divided into different parts.
The NCvB statistics part contains results from the reports of occupational physicians to the National Registry of Occupational Diseases. Tables with numbers of reports per occupation, per industry and per diagnosis group are showed here.
Results from the different surveillances (ADS- and PAL project, Solvent Team) are shown in the national statistics part.
Different direct links to statistics of Dutch and international organisations related to occupational diseases and other relevant topics can be found under statistical links.