Statistics on Occupational Diseases 2018

In total, 4.619 reports of occupational diseases were registered at the Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases (NCvB) by 792 Dutch occupational physicians in 2017. This emerges from the Statistics on Occupational Diseases 2017.

Mental diseases accounted for 57% (2.639 reports) and related primarily to stress related disorders and burnout. Another large number of reports were related to musculoskeletal disorders (1312; 28%) like soft tissue disorders of the shoulder and upper arm (223; 17%), epicondylitis lateralis (177; 14%), and non-specific shoulder complaints (96; 7%).

Temporary incapacity for work was reported in 83% of the reports and permanent incapacity in 6%. In two-thirds of the reports, the age of the workers was above 40 years. Slightly more female employees had an occupational disease compared to male employees (50.4% vs 49.6% respectively).  The economic sectors with the highest incidence of occupational diseases per 100.000 workers were the industry (299; 95% confidence interval (CI): 256-343); transport (248; 95% CI: 192-303); and government (247; 95% CI: 203-291).

Workers in lower socioeconomic positions (SEP) showed a three times higher risk of an occupational disease. Workers in lower SEP – for instance jobs in the industry, construction industry or transport – showed more temporary and permanent incapacity for work due to musculoskeletal disorders. Among the higher SEP, distress/burnout comprised 60% of the OD diagnoses.