32nd International Congress on Occupational Health, Dublin Ireland
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 32nd International Congress on Occupational Health in Dublin from 29 April to 4 May 2018. This triennially organised Congress is the most significant single activity of ICOH in the timeline and tradition started in Milan in 1906.
Dublin, the capital of the republic of Ireland, is a wonderful location for the ICOH Congress, with a long tradition of promoting occupational health and wellbeing by the Royal College of Physicians, all governmental, tripartite and other stakeholders. Dublin has a record in history of close to two thousand years. It is today a most attractive city with a unique and outstanding cultural atmosphere based on socially just, ethically sound and modern scientific tradition. Ireland and Irish people are known to be very hospitable, internationally oriented, always ready for easy communication and open for exchange of views.
The scientific programme is being very well organised by Dr Martin Hogan, Chair of the National Organising Committee and Prof Ken Addley, Chair of the National Scientific Committee, and supported by the active participation of the 37 ICOH Committees. Based on my personal experience both with Ireland and Irish expertise I am convinced that ICOH 2018 will be an excellent forum for global best knowledge and practice and a must for all interested in occupational health and wellbeing.
We look forward to sharing your knowledge and expert views in Dublin in order to make a difference in the working life everywhere. Quoting Kofi Annan "Safety and health is not only sound economic policy it is a basic human right".